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He was meowing loudly in pain. He couldn’t walk, and his leg was visibly broken. Luckily for little Neon, a kind person scooped him up, placed him in a box, and brought him to the Atlanta Humane Society. 

Kitten in a box

The break in his leg was visible from the outside, and x-rays revealed a severely broken femur likely caused by an intense traumatic event such as being hit by a car. We immediately gave Neon medicine for the pain and told him everything was going to be alright. 

X-ray with broken leg

Because Neon weighed just 1.5 pounds when he came through our doors, he was too small to undergo the surgery he needed to remove his painfully broken leg. We placed him with one of our most experienced foster parents so that little Neon could grow big and strong enough to safely go under anesthesia. 

Kitten standing on table

Soon, Neon gained the weight necessary to have surgery, and our skilled Shelter Medicine Team removed his broken leg to maximize Neon’s chances of living a normal, happy life. He went back into foster care to recover in a comfy bed, and just a few short weeks later, Neon found his perfect forever home! 

Kitten looking up

Your donation today will help make more happy endings possible… just like Neon’s. Please donate today. 

March 16, 2020